
Registration fees

All fees will be collected in US dollars.

Accepted Authors who wish to upload the Camera-ready version are advised to read the Camera-ready procedure carefully before proceeding with the Registration. Please find the Camera-ready Submission Instructions here.

Important notes:

  • Authors must complete the registration process before they are given access to upload the camera-ready version of their paper.
  • For registration, accepted authors are required to use the same e-mail address that was used for submitting the paper.
  • After you submit your camera-ready paper, please submit your paper presentation recording following the guidlines
  • Refunds and invoice amendments are subject to a processing fee

You can benefit from EAI member rates by becoming a member. EAI Membership is free.

Become a member

General information

• Access to all technical sessions in the form of a live stream,
• Inclusion of a full paper in conference proceedings;
• Online discussion for each individual presentation reserved for participants and supported for weeks after the conference ends,
• Opportunity to get in touch with authors and presenters individually via EAI Compass,
• Full downloadable pdfs of all presenting papers,
• Access to all technical sessions in the form of a live stream,
• Inclusion of a workshop paper or a poster in the proceedings;
• Online discussion for each individual presentation reserved for participants and supported for weeks after the conference ends,
• Opportunity to get in touch with authors and presenters individually via EAI Compass,
• Full downloadable pdfs of all presenting papers
  • Co-Author/Non-Author FREE SIGN UP INCLUDES:
• Access to all technical sessions in the form of a live stream,
• Online discussion for each individual presentation reserved for participants and supported for weeks after the conference ends.