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7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China

August 8–10, 2012 | Kunming, People's Republic of China

Keynote Speaker:

Jie Wu, Department of Computer and Information Sciences Temple University


Utility-based Routing and its Application in Dynamic Wireless Networks


A paramount concern in dynamic wireless networks is efficient utilization of limited resources. The dynamic nature of wireless networks makes it difficult use limited resources in a cost-efficient way. The traditional single utility model, such as link quality, is inadequate for addressing this problem. In this talk, we discuss a composite utility model and use the routing problem in dynamic wireless networks as its application. Specifically, we integrate cost and link quality into a single network utility metric together with the benefit of successful delivery of a routing packet to evaluate routing optimality. An efficient algorithm design, both centralized and distributed, is presented. Finally, several extensions to the basic model are discussed.


Jie Wu is chair and professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Temple University. Prior to joining Temple University, he was a program director at the National Science Foundation. His research interests include wireless networks, mobile computing, routing protocols, fault-tolerant computing, and interconnection networks. Dr. Wu publications include over 550 papers in scholarly journals and conference proceedings. Additionally, he has served on several editorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Computers and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Dr. Wu was general co-chair for IEEE MASS 2006, IEEE IPDPS2008 and DCOSS 2009 and is the program co-chair for IEEE INFOCOMM 2011. He served as an IEEE Computer Society distinguished visitor. Currently, he is the chair for the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP), an ACM distinguished speaker and a Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Wu is the recipient of 2011 China Computer Federation (CCF) Overseas Outstanding Achievement Award.

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Ping Zhang, Key Lab. of Universal Wireless Communications of Ministry of Education Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Cognitive Radio Enabled TD-LTE System: Key Technologies and Testbed


Considering the increasing demands for high data rate services and more spectrum resources for future wireless network, the cognitive radio (CR) technologies has been proposed to improve the efficient usage of TV white spaces based on spectrum sensing, dynamic spectrum management and reconfiguration abilities. Take into account the scattered vacant spectrum resources, an efficient and flexible method is chose to use the TDD based LTE system standard. Therefore, key technologies for the CR enabled TD-LTE system are designed and described briefly in this speech, including the coexistence issue of TV and TD-LTE systems, the joint spectrum sensing and geo-location database techniques and etc. Moreover, the testbed for CR enabled TD-LTE system has been designed and introduced with protocol and signaling modifications, which is based on the advanced software-defined radio platform. At last, demo scenarios of the proposed testbed are also briefly described in BUPT campus.


Ping Zhang is Director of Key Lab. of Universal Wireless Communications of Ministry of Education, Director of Wireless Technology Innovation Institute (WTI) of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from BUPT in 1990 and became a teacher in BUPT since 1990. Now he is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor of BUPT with research interests on wireless communication, new technologies for cognitive radio, cognitive wireless networks, TD-LTE, MIMO, OFDM and etc. He is an Executive Associate Editor-in-chief on information sciences of Chinese Science Bulletin, a Member of next-generation broadband wireless communication network in National Science and Technology Major Project, a Member of the 5th Advisory Committee of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chief Scientist of “973” National Basic Research Program of China, a Member of the 11th Beijing Municipal Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the owner of the Special Government Allowance of State Council of China. He has published 8 books, applied over 114 patents with 51 authorized patents. He received the Second Award for National Science and Technology Advance Prize twice, the Second Award for National Science and Technology Invention Prize once, the Provincial Science and Technology Awards many times, the Title of Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers in 2010.

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Jiangzhou Wang, Broadband and Wireless Communications Research Group University of Kent


In-building distributed antenna systems for high data rate wireless communications


Providing high data rate wireless mobile services has been a challenge, particularly in multi-floor buildings. One way to achieve high data rates in this environment is to reduce the radio transmission distance between the transmitter and the receiver. In-building heterogeneous networks can be realised by either distributed antenna systems (DASs) or femtocells. However, co-channel interference due to the need to reuse the limited available spectrum can severely limit the spectral efficiency and achievable data rates. In this talk, a tutorial about in-building heterogeneous networks will be given and its technical challenges will be discussed.


Professor Jiangzhou Wang is currently Chair of Telecommunications and Head of Broadband and Wireless Communications Research Group at the University of Kent, England, United Kingdom. He has published over 200 papers in international journals and conferences in the areas of wireless mobile communications. He has written/edited three books, two of which have been translated into Chinese.

Dr. Wang is an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications since 1998, a five-time Guest Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Wideband CDMA, 8/2000 and 1/2001; Advances in Multicarrier CDMA, 6/2006; Wireless Video Transmission, 3/2010; and Distributed Broadband Wireless Communications, 6/2011), a twice Guest Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (Coordinated and Distributed MIMO, 6/2010; Recent Advances in Wireless Technologies for Smart Grid, 6/2012), Guest Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine (Advances on Cooperative Wireless Networking, 5/2011 and 4/2012). He was IEEE Globecom2011 Workshop Co-chair and IEEE VTC2011-Spring Track Co-chair. He will be IEEE WCNC2013 Technical Program Chairman and IEEE ICC2015 Executive Chairman.