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Special Sessions
Special sessions on Ambient Networks(PDF) Organized by: Project management of Ambient Networks As one of the major integrated research projects initiated by WWI (World Wireless Initiatives) and financially supported by EU in the scope of its Frame Program 6, the project of Ambient Networks is addressing these challenges by developing innovative mobile network solutions for increased competition and cooperation in an environment with a multitude of access technologies, network operators and business actors. It offers a complete, coherent wireless network solution based on dynamic composition of networks that provide access to any network through the instant establishment of inter-network agreements. The concept offers common control functions to a wide range of different applications and access technologies, enabling the integrated, scalable and transparent control of network capabilities. The project has several phases: Phase 1 (January 2004 – December 2005) has established the overall approach and developed innovative technical concepts. Phase 2 (January 2006 –December 2007) is proving their viability through implementation, integration, measurements and performance evaluation, enabling concurrent standardization. The planned effort of approximately 2200 person-months for each phase reflects the strategic and technical ambitions of Ambient Networks. Ambient Networks brings together a strong industry-led consortium of the leading operators vendors, SMEs and research organizations, with the determination, skills and critical mass to create cross-industry consensus for mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G. The results will facilitate the incremental market introduction of new services, and stimulate sustainable growth in the European mobile communications sector. More detailed information on Ambient Networks can be found at its official web-site The main purpose of the special sessions on Ambient Networks of ChinaCom2007 is to encourage exchanges of ideas, achievements, opinions and information between the team of Ambient Networks and other international professionals and experts, especially our colleagues working in China. 9 papers, coauthored together by more than 30 colleagues being engaged in all research areas of Ambient Networks, will be presented during the special sessions, disseminating major concepts and technologies introduced in Ambient Papers to be presented (PDF): 1. Autonomic Management of Context-Aware Ambient Overlay Networks 2. Resource Management Methods for Multi-Access Networks: Emulation Results for GSM 3. Network Composition: A Framework for Dynamic Interworking between Networks 4. ASI - Ambient Service Interface 5. Paging Issues and Methods for Multiaccess 6. QoS-aware service specific overlay QSON 7. Study of Handover Strategies for Multi-Operator and Multi-Service Environment 8. Distributed Event-signaling in Ambient Networks Based on IP-multicast 9. Validation of the Ambient Network System Architecture 10. ContextWare architecture for Ambient Networks Contact: Special Session on Digital Broadcasting and Mobile Convergence Special Organized by: IST MING-T project Organizing Committee of ChinaCom2007 Scope: As we move towards an information era of widespread information availability, an effective system of convergence among the new broadcasting technologies, internet technology, and mobile systems becomes increasingly important. Countries are deploying multiple broadcast technologies; it will remain a key challenge for the industry and user communities to provide a uniform platform to content providers, and convergence is critical to overcoming this challenge. The main purpose of this Special Session at ChinaCom2007 is targeting exchanges of ideas, achievements, opinions and information among the IST projects funded by European commission as well as international professionals and experts in the areas of digital broadcasting. The major concepts and technologies and some important results achieved recently will be presented in this special session. Program Committee: To be invited from related projects MING-T Introduction: MING-T is a two-year joint European and Chinese project funded by the European Commission within the framework of the FP6-IST programme. The project started on 01. Jan 2007 and runs until 31. Dec. 2008. The acronym MING-T is short for "Multistandard Integrated Network convergence for Global Mobile and Broadcast Technologies". The goal of MING–T is to research, develop, prototype, integrate and validate the interoperability and handover issues of the representative mobile digital broadcast standards developed in China and Europe. MING–T will address the issues of convergence between broadcast standards and mobile communications network technologies. A further goal of the project is to foster cooperation between Europe and China in both industry and research communities. The project will particularly address the convergence of the European DVB-H standard with the emerging Chinese DTMB standard, with a view to providing a harmonized framework. In addition, the project will consider the convergence between broadcast and mobile technology networks to provide a unified platform for the delivery of services to mobile terminals. Finally, the project will cover how to deliver these services with a consistent level of quality to rich media applications across mixed broadcast networks, and in particular how scalable video coding may address this issue. Please find more details at Contacts: