Call for Workshop Proposals

 The Conference Organizing Committee invites submissions from individuals or groups to conduct Workshops at Chinacom 2024. The objective is to foster collaboration through interactive sessions on specialized topics and provide a platform for presenting research and discussing innovative ideas.
Workshops should emphasize emerging ideas, concepts, etc. They should encourage information flow between all the participants, for example, through collective or small group discussions.


Workshop proposals Submission deadline:    30. July 2024
Workshop proposals Notification deadline:    15. August 2024


Workshop selection

We aim to select a diverse set of workshops and avoid having multiple workshops on overlapping themes. 

The criteria for assessment will include:

– Relevance to conference vision/topics and attendees

– Potential to bring in participants to the conference from different audiences

– Overall potential quality of contribution

– Providing a hands-on, collaborative, and/or active learning environment for attendees

Workshop publication

Accepted and presented papers will be published alongside the main conference proceedings as a sub-section/chapter. Paper formats should, therefore, correspond to the templates of the publisher of the main conference.

Proposal submission

Workshop proposals should be submitted in a maximum of 3 pages in PDF format, single-spaced.

Please email your workshop proposals to [email protected]